Children's Worship Bags

Children are especially welcome in our worship services, because faith is formed by the practices that shape it. To assist children in learning more about Worship, we have created Worship Bags. These special bags may be found on the wall outside the sanctuary. Red worship bags are available for young children (non-readers), and blue bags are available for older children (readers).
An usher will gladly assist you in locating the Worship Bags. What is available in these Worship Bags?
- A special booklet explaining worship
- Cards containing the words to the Lord’s Prayer, the Gloria Patri, the Doxology, and Apostles’ Creed
- Two lectionary-based children’s worship bulletins (as well as crayons!)
- A small bag of fruit snack
The Worship and the Formation for Discipleship Committees are pleased to now offer our youngest church goers their own Worship Bags, just like the “big kids”!
White Toddler Worship bags are tagged with children’s names and are located on the coat hooks in the hall by the church office for families to pick up before Worship Service. We ask these all items remain in the bags for the children to use each week. Additionally parents are welcome to add other items to their child’s bag. A fruit snack pack is optional. Please let the church office know if a bag needs to be made up for your child. Thank you!
If you would like a worship bag with your child’s name on it, you may fill out a request form on the Information Table or call the church office at (636) 936-2200.