To all women of New Hope Church, you are encouraged to participate in Advent by Candlelight on
Tuesday, December 5, 2023 at 7 P.M. in the worship space. This special event is for all women of our
congregation, their family, friends and neighbors. Reservation forms are available in the “Information
and Outreach Center” in the Narthex. You might consider hosting a table or choosing to attend and be
assigned to a table. Detailed information is included in the reservation packet. Childcare will be
available. A free-will offering will be taken supporting the New Hope Presbyterian Women Scholarship
Fund and the New Hope Food Pantry. Don’t miss out on this very joyful evening! Reservations are due
to Laurie in the church office by Sunday, November 19 th , 2023. Contact Ann Schmid (636-699-2142) or
Rhonda Dyer (636-362-3750) with any questions. Blessings to all!
Tuesday, December 5, 2023 at 7 P.M. in the worship space. This special event is for all women of our
congregation, their family, friends and neighbors. Reservation forms are available in the “Information
and Outreach Center” in the Narthex. You might consider hosting a table or choosing to attend and be
assigned to a table. Detailed information is included in the reservation packet. Childcare will be
available. A free-will offering will be taken supporting the New Hope Presbyterian Women Scholarship
Fund and the New Hope Food Pantry. Don’t miss out on this very joyful evening! Reservations are due
to Laurie in the church office by Sunday, November 19 th , 2023. Contact Ann Schmid (636-699-2142) or
Rhonda Dyer (636-362-3750) with any questions. Blessings to all!